Mormon cult v JW cult
No difference.
No, no, no! The Mormon cult is definitely more stupid because there is a lot more evidence disproving more of it's ridiculous claims given how recent it's holy book is and the falsifiable nature of its claims. You have to be more gullible to join the Mormons as an adult, than to join the JWs.
The JWs on the other hand, are using the Bible which is much older and less falsifiable than the book of Mormon. So even though the claims are also stupid they are also less falsifiable so it's a tad bit less silly to fall for the JWs. On the other hand, the JWs are more dangerous than the Mormons.
So Mormons are dumber than the JWs but a bit less dangerous/harmful. The JWs are a tad bit less dumb, but more dangerous/harmful.